Dragon Vein Agate Necklace and Earrings Set – Debbie Dunnigan

Dragon Vein Agate Necklace and Earrings Set – Debbie Dunnigan



Big pendant of dragon vein agate ranging from white through green to deep red on fiery necklace of agate and crystal beads with matching earrings, handmade by Debbie Dunnigan. Debbie Dunnigan has a passion for rescuing animals. She donates $5 from every purchase of her jewelry to local shelters. Every time she receives a check she sends us a receipt to verify that she has made a contribution to help support her cause.

Dragon’s Vein Agate – can heighten creative visualization. It strengthens the ability and will to manifest one’s life purpose on earth, and promotes energy and strength, and helps one discover the truth, and aid in accepting one’s fate. It helps attract the right people to teach you a few lessons in love and life. It increases stamina, encourages honesty and energizes and strengthens its owner. This stone helps people avoid natural disasters and accidents. It brings out one’s hidden talents and natural gifts. It provides the self-confidence needed to manifest these talents and gifts. Emotionally, this stone allows the owner to identify their true emotions and wishes. That makes it the stone of the dreamers and go-getters of the world. It’s particularly helpful in finding your soulmate. Dragon Vein Agate symbolizes the power of dragons—known in Eastern mythology for bringing the energy of the mountains down to the plains. This makes the Dragon Vein Agate a potent stone for luck and a dependable aid for getting out of stagnant periods in one’s life.

Actual Size: Necklace is 16 inches long with an additional 3 inches to extend it. The matching earrings are about 2 inches long.


Additional information

Weight 3.4 oz
Dimensions 7.5 × 5.5 × 1.5 in